Friday, July 26, 2013

The Mortal Instruments

Yesterday, I went out and bought the series of The Mortal Instruments. By Cassandra Clare, it's a best selling series, and in my opinion, very good. Cassandra Clare also wrote the series of The Infernal Devices series, another great series, but personally, I like this series more!

There are four books to this series: City of Bones, City of Ashes, City of Glass, and City of Fallen Angels. All of them are awesome books, and that's why I just bought the whole series!

City of Bones introduces a girl with the ability to see. It also introduces a normal 'mundie' guy along with three teenagers with weird marking committing a murder. Three Shadowhunters, to be more specific. Within a day, Clary, the girl, is pulled into the Shadowhunter world, bringing her Mundie friend, Simon along with her. It's amazing what can happen in a mere 24 hours: her mother's disappearance, her fight with a demon, and her near death. What has happened to her mother? Why are demons chasing her? Who are these shadowhunters? A million questions go around Clary's head. But will she live long enough to answer them all?

The Mortal Instrument series is a prime example of urban fantasy, with Shadowhunters and a whole new realm in the middle of our own 'normal' world. This series will captivate you and not let you go till you finish the whole series. 

My greatest respects to Cassandra Clare- it's amazing that she wrote even one book as amazing as this, but four books to finish a series? That's really amazing. I'm a huge fan of the Mortal Instruments series, and I could not care to tear myself away from these books!

I recommend this book to anyone who really wants to sink into a good novel, and I recommend this book to ages 11 and up, due to some coarse language and things. But everyone should at least give it a try, and I promise you will love it! ( I did, anyway. ) 

*** I give this book a 9.9999 out of 10. Fantastic book! ***

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